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Little lizard’s tail

来源:本站原创  发布人:陆文婷   发布时间:2009-12-18  浏览次数:

Little lizard’s tail

                                           清英外国语学校  钱意纯

It is a lovely sunny day. Little lizard is walking in the forest. Suddenly, a big snake stops him. Little lizard runs as quickly as possible, but his tail is bitten off by the snake.

Little lizard is ashamed to see his mother because he has no tail. “I lost my tail, what can I do?” At this time, he meets Miss Fish, she is swimming in the river. “Hello, Miss Fish. Can I use your tail?” “Sorry, poor baby. I can’t swim in the river without my tail.”

On and on, Little lizard walks. He meets Aunt Swallow, she is flying in the sky. Little lizard runs to the top of the tree and asks, “Excuse me, Aunt Swallow, can I use your tail?” “Sorry, poor baby. I can’t fly in the sky without my tail.”

On his way home, he meets Uncle Ox, he is eating grass under the tree. “Excuse me, Uncle Ox, can I use your tail?” “Mooo, sorry, poor baby, I can’t drive away the flies without my tail.”

Little lizard feels so sad. He goes back home and ask his mother. His mother tells him, “My baby, turn around and have a look.” “Oh, I have a new tail.” Little lizard jumps up and down happily.