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英语绘本The chilly little penguin

来源:本站原创  发布人:魏晓宇  发布时间:2018-04-11  浏览次数:

英语绘本The chilly little penguin教学设计

武进清英外国语学校   魏晓宇


一、教学内容:英语绘本The chilly little penguin第1课时


1. Children can understand and use words/phraseschilly, boiling, get warm, warm up, skatingskated, swimming, swam, sliding down, slid down, need to

2. Children can recognize the past form of verbs: skated, dived, swam, slid, opened

3. Children can understand and act the story.

4. Children can share what they’ve read based on the e-learning.


1. 结合绘本配图以及故事情结发展,初步掌握动词过去时found, saw, went, skated, dived, swam, slid, opened的用法。

2. 能够理解故事的寓意,在新技术支持下向朋友分享阅读。


Step I. Warming up  

1.Song timeAnimal song

T: What does the song talk about?

 Whats your favorite animal? Why?

 What can the animal do/eat? What colour is it?

Ss talk about their favorite animal.

Describe the animal vividly.

T: Can you name some animals with the capital letter...

(1)T:Where does penguin live? (Show some pictures about penguin)

Ss say some animal words according to the capital letters.

Ss learn  penguin

(2)T: Take out your paper. Share in groups.

2. Brain storming: What animal do you know?.


Ss share what theyve learned before.


Step II. Picture walking

1. Look at the cover.

(1)T: We can find some information on the cover page.

Ss recognize

The title

The author

The illustrator

T:What can you see in the picture?

What is he doing? How is he?

Is he happy? Why?

Ss describe what they saw on the cover page.

2. Picture walking.

T-S: describe the pictures in order.

Ss read the pictures together.


T:Now, we know Perry needs help now.

But, who can help him?

Ss: Maybe he went to see_______.


Step III. Jigsaw reading

1.Read and learn.

T: We know the little penguin has a very special reason for wanting to get warm.

The answers are in my hands. Now you have to work in groups to find out:

Who can help him?

What did he say?

What suggestion?

What did he do?

Whats the result?

2. Group work:

Learning report

T & Ss learn the first part together.

Finish the mind map on the board.

3. What happened at last?

T: Read the story in groups. Choose one way to prepare the report:

Read, retell or act out the story.

T: We know that Perry wanted to get warm. Was he warm at last?


T: What should he do when hes boiling? Can you guess?


Step IV. Sharing reading

Send a e-mail to your friend to share what youve read.



Step V. Homework

1. Finish the recommendation letterand send the mail to your friend.

2. Find other ways to warm the chilly little penguin up.