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英语绘本The very hungry caterpillar教学设计

来源:本站原创  发布人:魏晓宇  发布时间:2018-04-11  浏览次数:

英语绘本The very hungry caterpillar教学设计

武进清英外国语学校   魏晓宇


一、教学内容:英语绘本The very hungry caterpillar第1课时


1、学会食物类单词:plum, strawberry, orange, pears, ice cream

2、会用句型: He ate _________ on ________.



1、会用句型: He ate _________ on ________.



Step I Warming up

1. Free talk

THello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Today, we have new teachers in our class. Let’s say hello to teachers.

T: Good! You’re polite. Boys and girls, are you ready for our class. Yes?

T: OK. Shall we sing a song? It’s a happy song. I hope it can make you feel happy.

(song time)

T: Wow. You are good singer. And you are happy now.

   But, look at this shark. Is he happy? How is he?

T: He is.....

Ss: Hungry.

T: 模仿 I’m hungry. I want to ... Eat 动作

2. Game

TLet’s search the food for the hungry shark. OK?

   (Explain rules)


Step II Presentation and Practice


T: We have lots of food. And here comes a new friend.

Teach: caterpillar

T: Caterpillar says “I’m hungry”.

  What colour is it? How about his eyes/ ears/ nose...  

  Do you like this caterpillar?

T: Today, we will read a book. Named “The very hungry caterpillar”. I hope you like it.

2. ?

What happened to the caterpillar?

At the beginning he is very small and hungry.

But he is big and fat. What happened?

SS: He eats...

T: Yes, clever boy. He ate some food. Do you want know what he ate?

   Now, let’s watch the cartoon. And complete the food list for him.

3. Task 1

T: OK. Look, this is the story. There are six days in the story. Who can retell the first day. On Monday. He ate...

   Nice try.


T: Good job. Now, it’s your turn to retell the story in group. Here are some tips for you.

A. Read in a group. B. Read one by one. C. Follow the little teacher. Or Other ways you like.

Task 2

T: You can retell the story very well. And now, you can design your own story in group.

  Please take out the white paper.

   Each of you get one sheet, and you can choose food for the caterpillar.

   Then, you have to stick the food on your paper, and colour it.

   At last, you have to show your story to us.


Step III Consolidation

Create your new story.

 I ate _______ on _________.

Show time.


Step IV Homework

Retell the story to your parents.