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人工智能时代 科技之旅

来源:本站原创  发布人:徐丹婷  发布时间:2018-11-24  浏览次数:

人工智能时代 科技之旅



Naturally, children are curious and eager to explore new things. Madame Curie said:  Curiosity is the first virtue of scholars. In this round of inquiry on “ Technology and Invention”, PYP first graders became a “little discoverer”, who came to the Wujin Science and Education town for an inquiry study.

在讲解员的带领下,孩子们和家长有序参观了“创新常州”展示馆、江南克拉尼设计院展厅、美淼科技大厦、纳恩博机器人工厂和天峋无人机展厅。在讲解员的讲解下,孩子们对武进科教城有了初步的了解。当孩子们移步到江南克拉尼设计院展厅时,只见场内有序地摆放着生动立体的佳能相机、法拉利跑车、舒尔曼钢琴等作品模型,让孩子们对被誉为“当代达·芬奇”克拉尼越发佩服。在参观美淼科技大厦时,孩子们一下子就被污水净化系统所吸引,在切身实地的学习之后,一方面知道了水资源十分宝贵,一方面也知道原来喝水有这么多讲究。最吸引小朋友的当属纳恩博赛格威机器人、米家电动滑板车 、九号平衡车以及独轮和双轮平衡车等创新成果了,孩子们不光倾听平衡车的发展史,更亲身参与体验骑行的便捷和快乐。

Under the guidance of the lecturers, the children and parents visited the “Innovative Changzhou” Exhibition Hall, the Jiangnan Klanyi Design Institute Exhibition Hall, the Meilu Technology Building, the Nainbo Robot Factory and the Tianzhu Drone Exhibition Hall. Under the explanation of the lecturer, the children have a preliminary understanding of Wujin Science and Education City. When the children moved to the exhibition hall of the Klany Design Institute in Jiangnan, they only saw the lively stereoscopic Canon camera, Ferrari sports car, Shulman piano and other works models, which made the children known as “Contemporary”. Da Vinci, "Kranj is more admired. When visiting the Meilu Technology Building, the children were immediately attracted by the sewage purification system. After studying the field, they knew that the water resources were very valuable. On the other hand, they knew that the original drinking water had so much attention. The most attractive children are the innovations of Naunbo Segway robot, Mijia electric scooter, No.9 balance car and single-wheel and two-wheel balance car. The children not only listen to the development history of the balance car, but also participate in it. Experience the convenience and fun of cycling.


    In the eyes of children, the world is colorful. They are full of curiosity about everything. Through this trip of exploration, children are not only subject knowledge, but more importantly, to explore and discover this colorful world. In this activity, parents turned into parent lecturers and guided the whole process. Parents were delighted to discover that children''s methods of exploring the world are becoming more and more mature.

撰稿:冯黎  摄影:冯黎  审核:路谨