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译林牛津英语六上Unit 4 Then and now 教学设计

来源:本站原创  发布人:白牡丹  发布时间:2018-10-11  浏览次数:

译林牛津英语六上Unit 4 Then and now 教学设计

一、 教材分析

今天我执教的是译林牛津英语六上Unit 4 Then and now story板块一课,这一课在整个单元中起到承上启下的作用,既是对过去式学习的收尾,为新的话题埋下续笔。选择第一课时进行信息技术教学在于“过去与现在”的内容用技术来体现强烈的对比更为灵活,话题具有时代气息,贴近学生的生活,对学生生活学习指导具有积极的意义。

二、 教学目标:

1. 能够听说读写重点词汇(e-book, mobile phone, newspaper radio..)和句型 I can…,I could…

2. 初步了解故事内容,掌握过去式的用法,运用重点词汇和句型进行主题表达。

3. 通过对过去和现在的生活比较,感受时代的进步和个人的成长,提升努力学习和爱护环境的意识。

三、 教学重难点


四、 教学准备

PPT E-book 作业单

五、 教学过程

1. Warm up(分好小组)

1) Free talk(Do you like English? 课前调查问卷)

T: Before class, we finished the survey” Do you like learning English?”

We see you all like English, and you like reading picture books, watching cartoons, sing songs and acting stories. Those what I like. And you can learn English by different ways. That’s good. Today will use I pad to learn, will you go with me??

T: Class begins.


2) Read a picture book by E-book(电子书)

T: I have a picture book for you.

Read it by yourselves and try to get some information.

Students read by e-book.

T: When the girl was one. What did she do?

S: She played in the garden.

T: When the girl was four. What did she do?

S: She played with her toys.


T: From this book, we know the girl’s life changes a lot. Now she can draw pictures.

What about you?

S: When I was… I …

T: I see your life changes a lot too.

   Then you could…Now you can…



T: Look at Mike’s family. Today we will talk about their lives.

T: Look at the picture. What do Mike do?

S: He reads a book. He plays basketball.

T: What about others?

S: Mr. Brown writes letters./ calls people.

   Mrs. Brown makes friends/does shopping.

   Grandpa reads newspapers/ read e-books.

设计意图:picture walking 作为基础阅读方法之一,可以帮助学生快速获取简单的信息,有利于学生处理日常的碎片化阅读,将教学方法的指导与生活的需要结合在一起,学以致用。同时通过图片猜想既能激发学生的思维积极性,也为接下来的教学设置悬疑,环环相扣,引生入胜。

2)Watch cartoon

Can you find something different between them? What happened? Let’s watch the cartoon.

Watch and judge: (完成作业单推屏分享)

1. Six years ago, Mike could write.   (        )

2. Now Mr. Brown uses a mobile phone to call people. (       )

3. Grandpa listens to the radio for news now.  (      )

4. Mrs. Brown does shopping on the Internet. (        )


3)Read E-book and finish the table.


T: Do you remember the time was mentioned in the story?

S: ….years ago,

T: That means “then”.

T: Please read the story and finish the table.

   If you have difficult words, you can use You Dao to help you.

Check and read the phrases.(板书写过去式的变化)

write ---wrote  use---used  buy---bought

Read the words and the phrases.


3) Follow the APP and practice reading.(通过软件录音,发送到微信群打卡分享)

T: Let’s  read the story again, and you can record your story by …

T:Whose recording do you want to listen?

T: Great!


4) According to the table and retell the story in 4.

T:Wow, great!  I like your English.

Look at the table. Can you retell the whole story?

You can choose the way you like.

1.Retell together

2.Retell one by one

3.Retell  “then” and “now” in 2.


3. Extending

T: Thank you for your story.

Mike’s family changes a lot. What changes are mentioned in the story?

the way to go travelling(出行)

the way to contact(联系) people

the way to make friends

the way to do shopping

the way to pay

the way to get news

People are changing.

T: Do you know other changes in our life?

Know more about:

the way to go travelling(出行)

the way to pay

the way to relax


T: Everything around us is changing. Our family are changing. The school is changing.

Sharing: Choose one topic and practice in four.

1) The changes in our families

2) The changes in our school

3) The changes in our city

Share ways: Write a text

Introduce to others(chat with American teacher by WeChat video)

Make i-movie about the change(推送到平台,解说分享)


方式1 传统的演讲方式锻炼学生的表达能力。

方式2 通过微信视频与新加入学校的美国老师进行交流,了解美国过去与现在的变化,介绍学校的过去与现在,以此拓宽课堂的维度,让学习方式多样化。


T: Thank you for your sharing. How time flies. Everything changes a lot. I want to share some photos with you. Look, several years ago, we learnt the same lessons, but now we can choose different lessons.

Several years ago, we learnt by books and blackboards, now we used i-pad to learn anywhere.

Several years ago, we learnt from teachers in the classroom, now we learn from CCtalk at home.

The way to learn also changes a lot.

Do you like changes?

Me too. Changes make our life better.

Work hard and change yourself, you will be better too.

Better me,  better life,  better future!



T: Today’s homework , Use I-Pad to learn more about the topic you choose.

And share your topic with words and pictures in your

WeChat circle.



T:Look these are the pictures about our class. And these are 20 years ago, our class also changes a lot.

S: 2o years ago, we used blackboard. Now we use White board.

   20 years ago, we used dictionary. Now we use Ipad.

   20 years ago, we study by ourselves. Now we study in groups.